
Friday, 10 March 2017

Life without Internet and TV

Life Without Internet and TV from Medill Cherubs on Vimeo.

Watch a video that captures the feelings and experience of living five weeks without Internet and TV. Complete the information below.

Liz – panicky
DJ – at first they are disappointed and upset. It was a struggle but it was helping them out
Alessandro – missed it specially not being able to chat
Danny – it was rough
Molly – it was emotionally crippling – she’s a big movie buff
Mary Lou – it’s difficult – it’s the university’s policy
Sam – loved being disconnected for once – she felt like she was in Lost
Ben – he was worried – he realized he didn’t need it to be entertained – it was not necessary

Answers written in white. Select above to see them

2016 vs 2263

Scientific breakthroughs

Ethical concerns related to cloning

Top 10 things we wish science would figure out

Watch and complete the information indicated:

10 hypersleep - applications - erradictaing dangerous delays in healtg and hospital care - intergalactical travel
9 reanimating corpses - consequences - delaying death - doctors could work wonders and zombies could exist
8 similarities within the ancient world - examples - 2 pyramids with the same perimeter and tobacco and cocaine residues in Egyptian mummies
7 dinosaur extinction - 3 theories - asteroid impact, mass volcanic activity, steady climate change
6 cold fusion - advantages - affordable, practical, cleaner
5 travelling at the speed of light - problem - it is seen as apparently impossible and we've only reached 0,0037 % of speed of light
4 dark matter - can't be seen, felt or appreciated - 95% of the universe
3 black holes - what are they? areas in space with a strong gravitational pull
2 what triggered the big bang - what is it? a tiny ultrahot fog of energy that expanded; energy created more energy, stuff, life, us; from what may have been nothing, we go to a state of infinite density, temperature and violence
1 time travel - dream for? scientists and human kind in general

Answers written in white. Select lines above to see them.

My blackberry is not working

Technology everywhere!

Listen and find a word that matches these definitions:
Mobile smart device for sending emails, web browsing, text messaging, ...: Blackberry
To stop working: Freeze
Areas with no signal: Black spots
A mobile phone company: Orange
A computer program in a mobile phone: Application
The primary display screen of your computer or phone: Desktop
A particular day, month...: Date
A computer company: Apple
An electronic device that must be attached to a computer in order for it to use protected software: Dongle
To restart a computer: Boot
To fail suddenly: Crash
A popular games console: xbox
Answers written in white. Select above to see them.

Sunday, 5 March 2017

GM food

Watch the video and fill in the blanks.

  1. Farmers in the past selected plants that were easier to pick and to cook.
  2. New crops inherited the benefitial characteristics.
  3. Farmers found that when the DNA was accidentally altered improvements happened.
  4. Nowadays scientists can change DNA at specific spots.
  5. These changes are specially useful for disease resistance.
  6. We now have crops which need less water and fertiliser.
  7. After decades consuming genetically engineered food no one has got ill.
  8. If we design and test each product, there is no problem.
  9. Supermarkets and big seed companies have offered us a variety of nutritious.
As always, the answers are written in white. Select the text to see them.
Leave a comment: What do you think of these products?


Do you need more practice? Try this

Fill in the blanks
  1. Google cell phone is designed with Google applications in mind
  2. The Nook has a partially coloured screen
  3. In 2010 the first 3d tvs will hit the markets
  4. Apple tablet will be like a touch screen portable laptop
  5. The electric vehicle will be first sold in California
  6. New applications will be created for all types of phones
  7. Some social networks will shut down for hours due to hacking
As always, select the text to see the answers